Heroes Work Here!
That is such a powerful statement! As I venture out of my cave, as my wife and daughter like to call my office where I have been spending the last 4 months building our new Website, I pass by Nursing homes and Hospitals and see these great big signs, Heroes Work Here!
It is a touching sentiment that is so deep-rooted in these unprecedented times of selflessness and extreme caring for the human spirit. These folks are Heroes, they are truly amazing people that are putting their lives, their families lives in extreme risk each and every day….why?
One of my closest friends is a doc, and he decided to be very safe for his family so for the last three months he has been self-quarantining in his home while he has been working in the hospital, sleeping in his spare bedroom…..why?
At Pescatore and our Wholesale division, we have never closed because of a Storm, Flood, Nor’easter or a Pandemic in 30 years….Why?
Are we all Heroes? I personally think so in our own right…but to me, I think it is much more…Just like the docs and health care workers who took an oath, I too took an oath when I Graduated from the Culinary Institute of America and also from the University of New Haven with my degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management. The oath is that of an Innkeeper! Yes, it is a dated term but one that holds a lot of meaning.
“Give us your tired, your hungry, your poor…etc..” Just like a captain and his ship, my training in the hospitality industry taught me to serve when the going gets tough and be there for the community – and my team of Heroes was right there!
The best part of my little story is when one of our Heroes gets National recognition. I truly wish the article mentioned everyone, but when one person gets the nod – we ALL get the nod.
So here is to an awesome job “our hero” Ms. Bianca Natal and your big-time interview in Vogue, and her right hand Miguel!
Bianca Natal, from the Bronx, is 25 and a single mother of a three-year-old. She’s a manager at Pescatore Seafood in Grand Central Market.
“I have to show affection to my daughter. That’s just me. It’s hard when I’m hugging her and I’m thinking…maybe I shouldn’t do that. I’m doubting myself to show my daughter affection. I’m here exposing myself on a daily basis. It’s scary, but it’s reality.”
It is dedication like this that has made Pescatore a pillar of the community for over two decades.
Bravo Bianca -
Chef Adam & Team Pescatore '2020
Photographed by Sinna Nasser https://bit.ly/Vogue-First-Responders