D Lobster Rolls

When you think of the East Coast of the U.S., what comes to mind?

From gorgeous beaches to a fascinating Revolutionary history, political edifices to Plymouth Rock, there are many things the area is known for, including its seafood.

The fishing industry has been a long tradition for New England, and one of the best seafood sandwiches was born from it— the lobster roll.

But what else is there to know about this spectacular sandwich dish? Read on to find out more about lobster rolls, different cooking styles, the creature that comprises this delicacy, great recipes, and more!

Lobster Roll

History & Consumption

Lobsters have been eaten for a long time. And though they were originally known to the original American colonists as “poor man’s protein” due to how plentiful they were in the early days of the nation, lobsters quickly became a delicacy for trade and eating.


During the late 1800s, trapping these crustaceans was commonplace and the first lobster pound was set up during 1876 in Vinalhaven, Maine, as the state’s original lobster fishery town.

And if you are wondering, a lobster pound refers to an old-fashioned containment pool for live specimens, where they were kept fresh until being sold— a colloquial term that is now used for fresh lobster stands along the East Coast!


But the first lobster rolls are credited in 1929 as being sold by Perry’s restaurant in Milford, Connecticut. Over the years, the popularity of lobster rolls up and down the seaboard established itself, and restaurants from Long Island to Maine brought in lobsters to dice up and serve in warm buns.

And while there is no documented “true” genesis of the lobster roll, New England was certainly the birthplace for this delicious seafood sandwich.

And thanks to its original widespread popularity between Cap Cod hotspots and New England clam shacks, the lobster roll is still a go-to dish today for anyone who loves the combination of seafood and butter.

Who Eats Lobster?

In recent years, lobster consumption has been steadily rising. From tourists who arrive in one of the East Coast states and want to try the local seafood, to restaurants across the country flying it in, lobster meat is a popular dish.

And lobster is eaten all over the world, too— by 2020, the global lobster market reached over 5.5 billion USD, with the majority provided by the U.S. and Canada, thanks to the prolific waters off those countries’ coasts.

It’s no doubt that these long-legged crustaceans are one of the world’s favorite seafood varieties, regardless of your location. From grocery stores to fish stands, restaurants to home kitchens, lobster remains a highly sought-after ingredient. Particularly for those who are partial to a classic lobster roll.

Where Do

Lobsters Come From?

These large crustaceans are found all over the world, but only one of the fifteen main types of lobsters is actually what you are served in a restaurant. The other species are spread throughout the global oceans and range from colorful Reef Lobsters to diminutive Squat Lobsters, deep sea-dwelling Prickly Lobsters to stealthy Furry Lobsters.

But the most commonly eaten type is the one that dwells in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, being either cold water or warm water lobsters.

And knowing the difference between cold and warm water lobsters is just as important as understanding soft and hard-shell types, as it affects the end result, so let’s dive into these categories a bit deeper and find out which one is used for lobster rolls.

Lobster Shell Types

You have likely heard the terms soft-shell or hard-shell to refer to lobster varieties— it is a key distinction, depending on the season of molt for the crustacean.

Soft and hard-shell refers to the stages of molting that lobsters go through. All edible lobsters molt depending on the season and the location they live in, and this process affects the quality of lobster meat and its taste.

And that’s why it is important to know about lobster shell types!

July to September Soft-Shell Lobsters

As lobsters grow and age, they must molt and stretch their carapace to better accommodate a larger body. This process typically occurs between July and September, and many lobsters are protected under a conservation program during this time to avoid population disparity.

During this “soft-shell season”, the lobsters are harder to keep fresh after being caught because their typical body armor is missing. But they can be eaten right away or frozen for further transport, though the lack of shell means there is less meat on the lobster.

October & November Hard-Shell Lobsters

When lobsters regenerate their hard outer layer, they return to being hard-shell crustaceans, directly after the soft-shell phase ends, between October and November. With their shell regained, lobsters hold more meat and are much easier to transport without spoiling.

Lobster Climate Types

As previously mentioned, edible lobsters primarily fall into two categories, depending on the temperature or climate of the ocean they are found in— the Pacific or Atlantic.

Warm Water Lobster

Harvested mainly off the coast of California, warm water lobsters are also known as “rock lobsters” and lack front claws, making them actually fall under the category of large crawfish.

These crustaceans are also caught off the Pacific coasts of South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia, among others, and are known for their copious amounts of delicious tail meat.

Cold Water Lobster

When we think of the red and pink seafood that goes into a lobster roll, it’s the cold water variety found in the Atlantic, up and down New England and Eastern Canada.

They have the typical set of claws that contain meat, as well as the tail, and are arguably the most popular type of lobster in the world for eating.

Where Is the Best Lobster Found?

When it comes to lobster rolls and their origin as a New England delicacy, the best lobster is found in the cold waters of the Atlantic.

And due to conservation efforts, both Canada and the Maine coastal region supply the most lobsters to the industry, depending on molting stages— Canada during the summer, and Maine during the winter.

And it’s cold water lobsters that we will be discussing here, because their meat forms the base of the best lobster rolls available!

Type of

Lobsters Rolls

How Nutritious is


Before delving into the meat of lobster roll recipes and the secrets to a perfect, buttery seafood sandwich, it’s important to talk about the nutritional aspects of lobster meat in general, as well as lobster rolls.

Is Lobster Healthy?

Overall, fresh lobster is not an unhealthy type of meat for you to eat. It’s a great source of nutrition, including vitamin B12, copper for iron absorption, and selenium for immune support. Lobster also has plenty of protein and even omega-3 fatty acid content.

However, its cholesterol content and sodium levels are a factor to be mindful of, as lobster is one of the most sodium-rich protein sources available.

1 cup of cooked lobster meat

In general nutritional facts, 1 cup of cooked lobster meat contains:

  • 128

  • 0grm

  • 1.2grm

  • 27grm


lobster meat + butter + bread

The meat itself is not bad for your health, but once the butter and bread come in, that’s where lobster rolls do differ in nutrition from the plain, cooked meat.

  • 450

  • 35grm

  • 25grm

  • 74grm


But what about the carbs and calories in lobster rolls, which include the roll, dressing, and butter? Let’s break that down here, with the nutritional facts according to 1 typical lobster roll serving:

Lobster Roll


Now, it’s time to dabble in the kitchen and share some classic lobster roll recipes, as well as variations on the old favorites.

And while lobster rolls are certainly something that you can make at home, the price of sourcing good lobsters and the thought of cooking them can be daunting— sometimes taking up to 4 or 5 hours in the kitchen! So, keep that in mind before tying on your apron, as the following recipes all start with cooked lobster meat.

Low-Carb Lobster Roll Wraps

For those on a low-carb diet, eating lobster rolls might seem out of the question. But because lobster meat itself is devoid of carbohydrates, with a few simple alterations to the rest of the recipe, you too can enjoy a delicious variation on lobster rolls that serves 4.

  • ½ pound steamed lobster meat, coarsely chopped.

  • 3 tablespoons of Greek yogurt.

  • 1 tablespoonfresh parsley, chopped.

  • 1 lemon,juiced and zested.

  • A pinch of sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

  • Butter lettuce leaves, whole.

  • ¼ cuplight mayonnaise.

  • ⅓ cupcelery, diced.

  • 1 tablespoon fresh chives, chopped.

  • ¼ teaspoon paprika.

  • A splash of hot sauce (optional).


Combine the mayonnaise, yogurt, lemon juice, lemon zest, and seasonings. Add a dash of your preferred hot sauce, if you like it a bit tangy, and mix well.


Tip in your lobster and add the celery, parsley, and chives, stirring until everything is completely incorporated. Then, transfer to the fridge to chill.


Spread out your lettuce leaves and create a good base to wrap the filling with, layering if necessary. When ready to serve, take the lobster mixture out of the fridge and spoon it into the lettuce wraps, and serve immediately.

Healthy Lobster Roll Salad

For a light and balanced lobster roll, Maine’s version will be your go-to. The mayonnaise and lemon even out the salty richness of the lobster, highlighting a variety of flavors as you bite in. This recipe serves 4.

  • 1 headcooked lobster meat, coarsely chopped.

  • 1.5 cups brussels sprouts, shaved.

  • ⅓ cup cucumber, diced.

  • 1 small red onion, diced.

  • ¼ cup light mayonnaise.

  • 4 tablespoons olive oil.

  • 1 lemon juiced and zested

  • 1 tablespoons garlic, minced.

  • A pinch of sea salt and freshly ground pepper

  • 1 head of firm lettuce, like iceberg or romaine

  • ⅓ cup carrot, diced.

  • ⅓ cup celery, diced.

  • 2 whole scallions, sliced.

  • ¼ cup Greek yogurt.

  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

  • 1 tablespoon paprika


Make the salad dressing first. Combine the mayonnaise, yogurt, olive oil, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic, paprika, salt, and pepper in a small bowl. Whisk well and set aside.


Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them, and then roughly chop.


Add the lettuce, brussels sprouts, carrot, cucumber, celery, onion, and scallions to a large bowl and toss to combine.


Scoop out a portion of salad onto each plate and top with the chopped lobster meat. Then, drizzle over a healthy amount of the salad dressing and dig in.

Classic Maine-Style Lobster Rolls

For a light and balanced lobster roll, Maine’s version will be your go-to. The mayonnaise and lemon even out the salty richness of the lobster, highlighting a variety of flavors as you bite in.This recipe serves 4.

  • 1 pound of cooked lobster meat, coarsely chopped.

  • ¼ cup celery, finely chopped.

  • ¼ cupmayonnaise.

  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice, freshly squeezed.

  • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened.

  • A pinch of sea salt and finely ground pepper.

  • 1 tablespoon fresh chives, chopped.

  • 4 New England-style rolls.


Combine the lobster meat, celery, mayonnaise, and lemon juice in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper to taste, then cover and put in the fridge to chill. It should rest for no more than 8 hours before serving.


When the filling has chilled sufficiently, put a non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Split the rolls and spread butter on both sides, before carefully toasting them in the pan for about 1 or 2 minutes per side. Keep an eye on them as rolls burn quickly!


Take out your lobster filling and stuff each roll to the brim. Garnish with parsley, paprika, or even intact lobster claw meat, and serve.

Traditional Connecticut-Style Lobster Rolls

With butter on top of butter, the Connecticut-style lobster roll is simple, fragrant, and scrumptious. Without other dominant flavors getting in the way, the lobster meat is really allowed to shine in this decadent dish that serves 4.

  • 1 pound cooked lobster meat.

  • 16 ounces unsalted butter, room temperature.

  • 2 small shallots, finely diced.

  • 4 New England-style rolls.

  • 1 tablespoon fresh chives, minced (optional).


Put a large, non-stick skillet on medium-low heat and add the butter. While it melts, pull the lobster meat apart into chunks.


Once the butter is melted, add the shallots and allow to cook for 1 minute. Then, add the lobster carefully, to prevent hot butter from splashing.


Simmer the mixture for 5 or 6 minutes, until the lobster is fragrant and the butter has reduced a bit.


Remove the lobster from the pan, but save the rest of the butter to pour into a serving dish.


Split the rolls and dip each side into the melted butter, then toast in the same skillet for 1 to 2 minutes per side over medium-low heat.


Assemble your rolls by filling them with lobster meat and serve immediately with the remaining butter for dipping. Garnish with chopped chives if you wish.

New England Lobster Salad Rolls

Another classic style, this New England version brings the rich taste of lobster meat together with the fresh crunch of greens. It’s a good middle ground between Maine and Connecticut’s lobster roll traditions for anyone wanting a different option that serves 4.

  • 1 pound of cooked lobster meat, coarsely chopped.

  • ¼ cup mayonnaise.

  • ¼ cup celery, diced...

  • ½ teaspoon fresh parsley, chopped.

  • 2 teaspoons scallion, finely sliced.

  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice, freshly squeezed.

  • 1.5 teaspoons Dijon mustard.

  • A pinch of sea salt and finely ground pepper.

  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted.

  • 4 large lettuce leaves, such as iceberg or romaine.

  • 4 New England-style rolls.


In a small bowl, mix the mayonnaise, celery, parsley, scallion, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper.


Combine with the lobster meat and mix well, then set aside.


Split the rolls and dip both sides in the melted butter before toasting in a non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Watch carefully, and flip after 1 or 2 minutes on each side.


Arrange the lettuce leaves inside the rolls and fill them with the lobster mixture, then serve.

Easy Lobster Rolls with Spicy Mayo

While traditional lobster rolls don’t dabble in the realm of spices, these super-simple sandwiches have a unique flavor, thanks to the zing provided by spicy mayo. Try these if you want a lobster roll with a twist for 4 people!

  • 1 pound cooked lobster meat, coarsely chopped.

  • ¼ cup celery, diced.

  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, at room temperature.

  • mayonnaise.

  • 1 tablespoon hot sauce.

  • 1 teaspoon lime or lemon juice.

  • ¼ teaspooncajun or taco seasoning, or chili powder.

  • A pinch of sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

  • 4 hotdog buns.


Prepare the spicy mayo by mixing the regular mayonnaise in a bowl with the hot sauce, citrus juice, and seasonings. Whisk until well combined.


Fold the lobster meat and celery into the spicy mayo mixture and stir. Then, allow it to rest in the fridge for about 10 minutes to let the flavors coalesce.


Meanwhile, butter the outside of your hotdog buns and toast them in a non-stick skillet over medium heat-low, watching carefully to prevent burning, about 1 or 2 minutes per side.


Assemble by scooping the spicy lobster mixture into the buns and enjoy!

Grilled Lobster Rolls

If you are a BBQ enthusiast, then here is the lobster roll recipe for you— fire up the grill and get your lobster meat on the griddle for a delicious variation of the traditional cooking style. This recipe serves 4.

  • 14 cooked lobster tails, intact with the shell on one side.

  • 1 red onion, sliced into ½-inch sections.

  • 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature.

  • 1 teaspoon steak seasoning.

  • 1 tablespoon of hot sauce.

  • 1 lemon, juiced and zested.

  • 1/3 cup mayonnaise.

  • 2.5 ounces Dijon mustard.

  • ¼ cup fresh chives, minced.

  • 4 sandwich rolls.


Mix the mayonnaise and Dijon mustard in a small bowl and set aside.


Combine the butter, seasoning, hot sauce, lemon juice, and lemon zest in a bowl, and then spread half of it across the meaty side of the lobster tails.


When the barbeque is hot enough, place the lobster meat-side down on the grill, as well as the red onion.


After the lobster and onion are lightly charred, take them off the grill and put them aside. Crack the lobster tails out of the shell and spread the remaining butter mixture across both sides.


Split the sandwich rolls and put them face down on the grill to toast for about 1 minute. Then, remove and spread with the mayonnaise-mustard mixture.


Assemble the sandwiches by fitting a whole lobster tail into the rolls, or pulling it apart to fit. Garnish with the grilled onions and chives and serve.

Hot Lobster Roll Dip

Are you looking for a variation on the typical serving style of a seafood sandwich, or perhaps want something that can be shared easier at a party? Then hot lobster roll dip is the answer! This dip serves 6 to 8 people.

  • 8 ounces cooked lobster meat, chopped.

  • 8 ounces cream cheese.

  • 6 ounces of grated cheese, such as cheddar or swiss.

  • 1 red onion, finely chopped.

  • 1 tablespoon paprika.

  • ½ teaspoon dried chili flakes.

  • 2 teaspoons minced garlic.

  • 1 lemon, juiced and zested.

  • A pinch of sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

  • 1 large baguette.


Preheat the oven to 375°F.


In a non-stick skillet over medium heat, melt the butter and add onion. Once softened, sprinkle in the paprika, dried chili flakes, garlic, salt, and pepper.


Cook for 1 minute, stirring often, then remove from the heat.


Add in the cream cheese, lemon juice, and lemon zest, stirring until fully combined. Then, carefully fold in the lobster, trying not to break the chunks apart.


Scoop into a shallow baking dish, sprinkle cheese over the top, and bake for about 15 minutes or until the edges are bubbling and the cheese is melted and golden.


In the meantime, slice your baguette into about ½-inch diameter pieces and toast in a clean, non-stick skillet over medium-low heat.


After the dip comes out of the oven, serve on a heat-proof plate with the toasted baguette slices for dipping and enjoy— but be careful, it’s hot!

What Makes a Good

Lobster Roll?

Regardless of the type of lobster roll, there are some key aspects to the dish that remain constant and will make or break a good lobster roll. The following are the top 4 elements that are important for this seafood dish.


A Touch of Seasoning

Classic Connecticut lobster roll recipes generally eschew spices, but with just the right amount of the proper seasoning, the entire dish can be elevated. Try sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, paprika, garlic, tarragon, and more.


High-Quality Ingredients

A classic lobster roll— either Maine or Connecticut-style— is all about showcasing the lobster as the main centerpiece of every bite. And to do so, only the best ingredients need to be used. Given how relatively simple the construction of a perfect lobster roll is, the quality of food will be evident in its taste.

You shouldn’t overlook the quality of the butter or mayonnaise, either.

Unsalted butter is good for making lobster rolls, but the taste profile is heightened when you use clarified butter, or ghee, for perfect smoothness. Additionally, for lobster rolls with mayonnaise as the main dressing ingredient, don’t be afraid to get the best brand available.


Perfectly Cooked Lobster

The lobster needs to be cooked to perfection, preferably from fresh. While canned or frozen lobster can be used, they don’t have the same succulent flavor as freshly cooked meat.

Additionally, cold water lobsters are the best for the lobster rolls of New England, as they contain the sweetest, most delicate meat— perfect for a melt-in-your-mouth sandwich that pairs exquisitely with butter.


The Right Bread

While finding a roll for your lobster sandwich might seem simple enough, it’s important to source the right type of bread. After all, it’s the casing for your impeccably seasoned lobster filling, so the roll’s flavor must complement the entire thing.

All Fresh Seafood Lobster Roll Speciality

If you want to skip the hard work of buying lobsters, either fresh or frozen, and going through the process of cooking them and building the rolls from scratch, check out our specialty, all-fresh Seafood Lobster Rolls, made with only high-quality meat, bread, and butter.

Because the ingredients of lobster rolls are so important, we take care to source only the best for this recipe.

From the special bread imported from Paris to creamy, clarified butter or ghee, the flavors are explosively good.

As for the main star of the show, our lobster is fresh, preservative-free, all-natural, and has not been frozen, unlike many grocery store lobsters.

And the special blend of spices dusted overtop only enhances the flavor and juiciness of the meat itself.

So, instead of spending 4 or 5 hours in the kitchen preparing lobster rolls, let us help you serve a sumptuous meal that is ready to eat in just 20 minutes.

All you have to do is assemble, plate, and enjoy!

Order Now